The Life Cycle

S3E5: ‘7 Million Eggs’ with Jennifer Garrison

September 02, 2024 Klang Games

Sure longevity science is interesting, but what about the most pressing biological aging for half the world’s population? In this fascinating episode, Eva meets Jennifer Garrison who is at the forefront of trying to expand our understanding of the biology of aging and how it relates to reproductive health, specifcally with regard to female aging. It’s kind of shocking how far science and reproductive progress has gone in modern times, but often it’s the very day to day, real life experience of every woman that is still the least understood. 

Dr. Jennifer Garrison is an Assistant Professor at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, specializing in reproductive aging and peptidergic signaling. She also co-leads (formerly Global Consortium for Reproductive Longevity and Equality).


Buck Institute for Research on Aging
Garrison Lab Website